June 9, 2010

Notes on Confidence

Keep your head up.
This is problematic as I am constantly covering my mouth like Miss Celie.
Hold your hands in a steeple gesture (together pointing) while listening.
If I flapped my arms anymore than I do already, I would take flight.
Keep your movements to a minimum, don't fidget.
See Above.
If you don't agree, STATE SO.
I avoid conflict at all costs, this goes against my nature!
Speak up, don't let others finish YOUR SENTENCE, remember sentence completion leads to self esteem.
I guess, but sometimes its sorta nice when someone actually knows what I am talking about
When meeting someone new - explain what you do, then company name, then your own name.
I see the logic here, this used to happen in college alot.

While rummaging through some old paperwork in my office drawer, I found I'd actually written down some helpful hints I found in a forward. I thought I'd post them here (and my subsequent arguments to each) before I committed the sticky note to the round file.

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