June 25, 2009

31 by 31's end List

This idea originated with my friend "A" at a happy hour discussion last year prior to my 30th B-Day. Her and her friends were forming lists of things they wanted to have done by 30. I was already about 7 weeks from the digits in question, so I figured there was no way to squeeze in 10 years worth of things I should've already done in my 20's into 40 odd days. The idea however ruminated around my brain and I made a list (last summer).

Last night at a separate happy hour (nearly a year later to the first conversation). "The list" came up again. My friend J mentioned a bar which featured a mechanical bull, one of the things on my list. Then we chatted on about how sharing the list might help me get to do some of these things (through the magic power of "REAL" social networking.)

I have til 32 to get these things done. I'm going to italicize the ones I've already done.

So friends..here is my list, help me if you can/want to:
1. Ride Motorcycle (preferably drive one, but baby steps...)
2. Ride Mechanical Bull
3. Get a Tattoo
4. Increase income substantially.
5. Restore outdoor garden!! (poor flowers! I failed thee)
6. 31 Brand New Drawings
7. Post my website.
8. See the Grand Canyon (Larry!!)
9. See Chicago
10. Bling Team Field Trip
11. Conquer Gryffon at Busch Gardens.
12. Take some friggin classes!

13. See Barack Obama speak (live)
14. Go Camping and Tubing!
15. Cook something difficult (lamb?)
16. Read Twilight Series (for fun).
17. Take mom to Red Lobster as a surprise (must be a surprise!!)
18. HOST a party.
19. Bloc Party AGAIN
20. Learn a real dance - something fancy.

21. Get paid for a freelance.
22. Cancel useless bills.
23. Professional Sports Game (any sport, whichever one avails itself)
24. Run a marathon (Rock'n Roll is looking good).
25. Fix a broken friendship.
26. Complete the big family book.
27. Dive! (versus ungraceful cannonball flops)
28. Hiking
29. Comiccon!
30. Paintball
31 & 32 are "personal". Sorry team I have to do those on my own. ;)

The only real rules for your own lists..is that you must try to do this while you still can..it's NOT a bucket list and that it must be "fun" light ideas..Nothing major major goal oriented.


Hench said...

We can help you with numbers 1, 8, and 23 if you come up to visit.

Hench said...

I mean number 3, not 8!

cattina said...

mechanical bull, this weekend, the party I sent you the info for...be there! lol

Leslie said...

That makes two mechanical bull offerings today! The universe is responding to my call!


cattina said...

You missed out on the bull girlie! I gotz bruises! lol

Shei said...



Leslie said...

Cattina - are you still doing 24?
I get a second chance at number 2 this Friday, but that might not play out due to visiting family (I'd feel weird riding a bull with my mom watching..hahhahah).

Shei - give me a date to "save" towards. Preferably more than 3 days less than 2 years. ;) LOL

Leslie said...

Post life altering event, we'll find a good weekend to check out a baseball game! :) Yay.

Carol Ann said...

Hey if you make that a Phillies-Nationals baseball game Ill take a drive!

cattina said...

yep, i am still running the half marathon in Sept. I'm already signed up

Leslie said...

24 - Check!