November 15, 2007

Profiles in Dopeness: Powhatan

You can't blog about Rogers without Powhatan. Powhatan is/was the relatively low cost "first" apartments after you finish your first year in the dorms. Here all your living costs go strictly to "living" and you must feed yourself. Which works out well for some - others found themselves rationing out ramen. Most people I knew lived here one year and couldn't take sharing their room beyond that year and moved off campus. I couldn't afford that so I lived there for the next 3ish years and 13 room-mates.

It feels like a gazillion miles away from any spot on campus, and with the crappy parking situation I was walking everywhere. All the time. The shuttle took forever and I couldn't find a seat hardly ever, so I only rode that like twice.

In terms of changes between my time there and what's happened since, it seems a little drastic. All the older ODU buildings are in shades of gray and blue -- while all the new buildings on the other end are bright brick (with fountains!). Powhatan needs a paint job like nobody's business. After all it was built in 1978 (nearly but not quite 30 years ago!) The Powhatan buildings all have names below them now - instead of the I-building - it's called Diamondstein and Hofheimer and other rich highly education names like that.

Having lived in a wide array of spaces in my life I can say that P-town was not THAT bad. Would I live there again? Probably no. I like having a sofa that doesn't look like I stole it from a waiting room at a hospital. And I like my bed that I can roll over in 3 times.



Leslie said...

Grammar apologies all! (I'm just trying to get these out of my head and get back to the business of writing..).

Carol Ann said...

Ahh, P-town. I never quite left its clutches...Partially due to lack of finances to go off campus, partially due to excellent air conditioning and quite sturdy doors (to stave off would be 3am romancers one may have accidentally lured there while heckling with my gregarious roommate from that 4th floor window).

It really wasn't that bad, hospital furniture be damned. NN8 was quite the den of iniquity. I'm suppressing the urge to go on a very senior yearbook style trail of consciousness rant listing all the ridiculous inside jokes and event references right now, though it's hard.

Though, the bomb boy bathroom does deserve a mention---instant classic.

Leslie said...

Do it G! List! List! List! List! Circa Discombobulated! Make it a blog.. I still have more on campus pics to take (it's difficult on lunch hours).

Anonymous said...

lol....i love how you mentioned your photography consisted of people "living in the art building" since I was one of those poor souls. I was a commuter, but I believe my dorm was the Visual Arts building...haha.

Leslie said...

The VAB could very easily be listed as "on-campus" living. You (Cattina) rank in the non-alien commuters category as well.


Hench said...

The bomb boy bathroom was the best. Remember your similarly decorated SAC office? :)

Leslie said...

Ah! The Bomb boy Bathroom! I think one of the owner's of the now defunct Wonder Bar was a visitor to G's Bomb Bathroom - They had bomb boys wallpapered in that place.